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Library > Commentaries > John Gill's Exposition of the Bible > 12 > Proverbs 12:20
  Proverbs 12:20  
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Proverbs 12:20

Deceit [is] in the heart of them that imagine evil
That secretly devise mischief in their hearts against their neighbours; that plough evil, as the word F7 signifies, and sow discord among men; and by many artful and deceitful methods promote contention and division, in order to answer some base designs of theirs; but sooner or later they are deceived themselves, are disappointed of their views, the consequence of which is vexation and sorrow; but to the counsellors of peace [is] joy:
such who consult the good of others, who advise to peace, concord, and unity; who seek to cultivate it in their families and neighbourhoods, and in the church of God, in which, if they succeed, they have joy and pleasure; if not, they have a satisfaction, in their own minds and consciences that they have done what is right and good; such have a conscience peace now, and an eternal one hereafter; or, as Aben Ezra calls it, the joy of salvation; see ( Matthew 5:9 ) .


F7 (yvrx) .